When Sharpe (1964) and Lintner (1965) proposed CAPM, it was majorly seen as the leading tool in measuring and determining whether an investment will yield negative or positive return. The model attempts to expound the relationship between expected reward/return and the investment risk of very risky assets by helping determine the required rate of return for any of the risky asset (Reilly and Brown, 2011). The CAPM states that, “the expected return on a security or a portfolio equals the rate on a risk-free security plus a risk premium” (Heshmat, 2012, p. 504). It further states that the expected return of an asset has a positive linear correlation with a security of a non-diversifiable risk i.e. beta (Heshmat, 2012). Further, Ushad (2011) argue that CAPM is majorly based on the assumption that higher returns are linked with the higher beta values.
Therefore, years after the publication of the
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