® Capsim Management Simulations, Inc.
Welcome to Comp-XM
Your Registration Number
If your instructor or school did not give you a Registration Number, you will need to register online using a credit card or checking account. Welcome to Comp-XM® an integrated evaluation tool that will allow , you to demonstrate your business skills. Comp-XM has two sections: 1. A business simulation similar to the one you just completed and 2. A series of quizzes, called Board Queries, that ask questions related to your simulation environment.
The Simulation
Round 1
Board Queries
Board Queries are web-based quizzes that relate directly to the results of your simulation. As CEO, you will report to the Board of Directors. The Board FRXOG DVN XS WR ÀYH VHWV RI TXHVWLRQV %RDUG 4XHULHV that are based on the results of your previous rounds. )RU H[DPSOH WKH ERDUG PLJKW UHTXLUH \RX WR FRQGXFW a break-even analysis on an increase in production automation or calculate the effect additional ERUURZLQJ ZLOO KDYH RQ \RXU ÀQDQFLDO UDWLRV 7KH questions use standard true-false, multiple choice and essay formats. All the information needed to answer the queries appears within the pages of The Comp-XM Inquirer, an industry newsletter similar to The Capstone® &RXULHU RU 7KH )RXQGDWLRQ® )DVW7UDFN ,Q &RPS;0 you work as an individual, which means all success will be attributed to your efforts. This is your chance to show your strategic vision, tactical abilities and business knowledge. Best of luck!
You are the CEO of a new company, the Andrews Corporation. You will make four sets of decisions. Your competition, Baldwin, Chester and Digby, are run by computers. 7KH FRPSXWHUV FUHDWH D OHYHO SOD\LQJ ÀHOG ² all participants go up against a standard set of competitors. As with your previous simulation, the quality of your decisions directly affects the position of your company. Performance is evaluated using a Balanced Scorecard, an analysis technique that