Submittal Cover Sheet
Student Name:
Student ID Number:
Student Degree Program:
Student Email:
Four Digit Assessment/Project Code: TWA1
Mentor Name:
For Revisions Only Indicate Previous Grader:
Submissions received with an altered, incomplete or missing cover sheet will be returned for resubmission.
Submit to:
Western Governors University
Attn.: Assessment Delivery Department
4001 South 700 East, Suite 700
Salt Lake City, Utah 84107-2533
Technical Writing Project Cover Sheet
Capstone Proposal Project Name:
Student Name:
Degree Program:
Mentor Name:
Signature Block Student’s Signature
Mentor’s Signature
Table of Contents …show more content…
Capstone Proposal Summary 1
References 4
Appendix 1: Competency Matrix 5
Appendix 2: 6
Appendix 3: 7
Capstone Proposal Summary
The Capstone Proposal Summary section has a suggested length of 3 to 5 pages.
This is the Normal Paragraph style. Paste your Capstone Proposal Summary here, replacing this paragraph. This is the Normal Paragraph style. Paste your Capstone Proposal Summary here, replacing this paragraph. This is the Normal Paragraph style. Paste your Capstone Proposal Summary here, replacing this paragraph.
Review of Other Work
The Review of Other Work section has a suggested length of 2 to 3 pages. This is the Normal Paragraph style. Paste your Review of Other Work here, replacing this paragraph. This is the Normal Paragraph style. Paste your Review of Other Work here, replacing this paragraph. This is the Normal Paragraph style. Paste your Review of Other Work here, replacing this paragraph. This is the Normal Paragraph style. Paste your Review of Other Work here, replacing this paragraph
This is the Block Quotation style. Use it for quotations of external work that exceed approximately 40 words. This is the Block Quotation style. Use it for quotations of external work that exceed approximately 40 words. This is the Block Quotation style. Use it for quotations of external work that exceed approximately 40 words.
Rationale and Systems …show more content…
The Rationale and Systems Analysis section has a suggested length of 2 to 3 pages. This is the Normal Paragraph style. Paste your Rationale and Systems Analysis here, replacing this paragraph. This is the Normal Paragraph style. Paste your Rationale and Systems Analysis here, replacing this paragraph. This is the Normal Paragraph style. Paste your Rationale and Systems Analysis here, replacing this paragraph.
Goals and Objectives
The Goals and Objectives section has a suggested length of 5 to 8 pages.
This is the Normal Paragraph style. Paste your Goals and Objectives section here, replacing this paragraph. This is the Normal Paragraph style. Paste your Goals and Objectives section here, replacing this paragraph. This is the Normal Paragraph style. Paste your Goals and Objectives section here, replacing this paragraph. This is the Normal Paragraph style. Paste your Goals and Objectives section here, replacing this paragraph.
Project Deliverables
The Capstone Project Deliverables section has a suggested length of 5 to 8 pages. This is the Normal Paragraph style. Paste your Project Deliverables section here, replacing this paragraph. This is the Normal Paragraph style. Paste your Project Deliverables section here, replacing this paragraph. This is the Normal Paragraph style. Paste your Project Deliverables section here, replacing this paragraph. This is the Normal Paragraph style. Paste your Project Deliverables section here, replacing this paragraph.
Project Plan and Timelines
This is the Normal Paragraph style. Paste your Project Plan and Timelines section here, replacing this paragraph. Paste your Project Plan and Timelines section here, replacing this paragraph. Paste your Project Plan and Timelines section here, replacing this paragraph. Paste your Project Plan and Timelines section here, replacing this
Enter your references to external work here, using the “Hanging Indent” style. Enter your references to external work here, using the “Hanging Indent” style. Enter your references to external work here, using the “Hanging Indent” style.
Appendix 1: Competency Matrix
Appendix 2:
Paste body of Appendix 2 here. That is, if you have one. If not, delete this entire section. If the appendix refers to a separate file, include the name of the file here.
Appendix 3:
Paste body of Appendix 3 here. That is, if you have one. If not, delete this entire section. If the appendix refers to a separate file, include the name of the file here.