When my teacher told us about capstone, she made very scared. I thought it’s impossible to do this project because it was a big project, in addition, it was independent projects. I’m like how can I do all this, and I wished if we do not do capstone for our senior year. But I realized that I have to “stop wishing something to happen. Make a move and do it.” So I looked back through the instructions again and I started to think about a topic base on my skills. After struggles, I decided to do nursing as my capstone topic and heart disease as my research paper. Throughout capstone and research paper, I learning a lot of things, of course, I went through difficult processes and challenges. But at the end of this project, I gain new skills and realize that time management is important.
When I started working on my research paper I found a lot of information about heart disease. I learned that heart disease cannot be ignored because it’s …show more content…
Joseph’s Healthcare Center. So I went there and I asked them if I can volunteer for my capstone project, but I did not get any benefits from them, I told Ms. Magy about it, she called them but she did get any benefits from them too. Thus, Ms. Magy recommended me to change the place or the topic. So I decided to change the topic because I did not find a place or someone to shadow as certified nursing assistant for senior people. Nerveless, I planned to do registered nurse as my capstone topic. Then I started looking for a place to shadowing until I found Hamtramck Medical Center, there where I found a registered nurse to shadow. Even though things did not go the way I planned for it, but I’m happy with the rustle I achieved at the