Did you know that just like Batman, Captain America is known for using amazing gadgets? His shield, made of a unique metal known as Vibranium, is probably his best known tool. Nearly indestructible, it’s rare to see Captain America without his shield. But he’s not the only superhero known for their awesome gadgets. Captain Boomerang has a whole slew of different boomerangs that he throws, Thor has his hammer and Wonder Woman has her tiara and bullet deflecting bracers.
Can you think of any other incredible superhero gadgets? …show more content…
Instead of playing soccer or baseball, he spent his time practicing and improving his skills. As a teenager, he went to work for his father at a toy store, demonstrating his boomerang throwing skills to customers. It was here that he became known as Captain Boomerang. Captain Boomerang is a villain that uses his boomerang for all sorts of mischief and criminal activity. He is not only an expert at throwing boomerangs, but he is also an expert at designing and making all different sorts of boomerangs, including extra large ones that can carry people into space. His boomerangs can explode, have lasers and even allow him to time travel. Some of his boomerangs are designed to come back to him, and some are designed to be able to hit a