They have not succeeded on making the animals feel like they belong and have failed to make it an exciting place. “Over 10,000 zoos have hundreds of animals held captive.” (Tuyl, 12) While being in their cages and in an area based on their species, they are very unhappy due to small enclosures. Animals such as lions and tigers do very poorly in captivity because they are all in the same area rather than being separated. Although many zoos have made “better”(Tuyl, 13) and “larger”(Tuyl, 13) enclosures, they do not necessarily understand that they may or may not have reached the animal's needs. Animals are very good at performing and training, but they are being forced to train when it is not in their capability to do so. Zoos especially keep the animals in cages until they are ready to come out and please the public's eyes. As a result, many people have been severely injured when the animals are being taken out.. They are many animals that have been captive and forced to be trained, but the two species that has had terrible outcomes are whales and …show more content…
If there were less captive animals then there would be an increase in species. While they are in captivity, their new habitat is either non-identical to their original or too small for them to roam around or explore. While there have been downfalls with captive animals, some zoos provide amazing opportunities for the animals to discover new places, smells, and even new parts of their home. For the problems with animal captivity, solutions like reducing the size of putting animals into captivity and banning whales and dolphins from being transported to the united states for zoos and aquariums. Animals have feelings just like humans do; they feel pain and loneliness. Being behind bars and in cages all the time, they want more that just being used for the public’s