Pacific Business Review - A Quarterly Refereed Journal
A Study of Behaviour of Maruti SX4 and Honda City Customers in Jaipur
A Study of Behaviour of Maruti SX4 and Honda City Customers in Jaipur
Dr. Manish Kumar Srivastava
Faculty Member, Faculty of Management Studies, ICFAI University Dehradun
Dr. A.K.Tiwari
Faculty Member, Faculty of Management Studies, ICFAI University Dehradun
In the present era of globalization, companies are finding it difficult to attract the customers towards their offerings. Proper understanding of consumer buying behavior will help the marketer to succeed in the market. In India, with increase in purchasing power of people leading to the change in their life style, there has been a huge demand for automobiles with modern technologies. A3 segment cars have a very good market in India. The objective of this paper is to study the behavior of consumers while they go for the purchase of A3 segment cars especially Maruti SX4 and Honda City and also to analyze the attributes of the car which are considered important. Keywords : Consumer Behaviour, Customer Perception, Satisfaction, A3 Segment Cars, Maruti SX4, Honda City etc.
In general, human beings are very complex individuals. It is very difficult and sometimes impossible to predict about human behavior. Today the business world very well recognizes that consumer rules the market and correct prediction about when, why, how, and where consumers do or do not buy a product is crucial for them to succeed. Consumer behavior is a blend of Economic, technological, political, cultural, demographic and natural factors as well as his own characteristics which is reflected by his attitude, motivation, perception, personality, knowledge and lifestyle. Marketers can rationalize their existence only when they are able to understand consumer behavior. As we know that in this present era of marketing all the business activities revolves around customer and his needs and wants so
References: Aradhana Krishna, (1994), "The effects of Deal Knowledge on Consumer Purchase Behavior", Journal of Marketing Research,Vol.31, pp.102-108. Brown Jacqueline J, C. Dvid Light and Gazda Gregory M., (2007), "Attitude towards European, Japenese 7