defiance and Saw Mill the population is 1845 (32%) and we want to observe 62 children, locations include TMC hospital, Office of Dine and Youth, Little Miss Muffet, and Fort Defiance early Childcare. For the St. Michaels and Oak/Pine Springs the population is 1564 (27%) and we want to observe 53 children, locations include Karigan, Bashas, McDonalds, and Lowes. For the Red Lake and Crystal the population is 863 (16%) and we want to observe 31 children, locations include Navajo Pine and Little Folks. Lastly, Kinlichee, Ganado, Cornfields the population is 1348 (25%) and we want to observe 48 children, locations include Sage Day Care, Ganado P.O. and Mora’s Burnside.
Protocol for the car seat survey states that you most position yourself to achier proper vantage point to allow visual of children in vehicles. When we observe we must collect data on any infant, toddler and child between the ages of 6-12 and record if they are restrained or not restrained, if observation is blocked due to glare or tinted windows, do not count. One must record date, time, and location of