During an intense weight training workout, the glycogen stored in the muscles and liver is the main energy source. Optimal strength and endurance during your workouts it is very important that these glycogen supplies are completely restored before starting a new workout.
The best moment to replenish exhausted glycogen supplies is during the first 2 hours after the workout. Easily digestible food products containing lots of fast absorbing carbohydrates high glycemic index are recommended for this purpose.
During the rest of the day food products with slowly absorbing carbohydrates, a low glycemic index is preferred in order to provide a steady supply of energy to the body and to maintain the glycogen supplies. For those …show more content…
Dextrose has the highest glycemic index of all naturally occurring carbohydrates.
Adding dextrose about 1 gram per kg of body weight to your post-workout protein shake is the most efficient way to replenish your glycogen supplies rapidly.
Maltodextrin is not Sweet:
Maltodextrin, which is produced from corn starch, is another carbohydrate powder that is very easily digestible and has a glycemic index very similar to glucose. However, unlike dextrose, Maltodextrin is not sweet.
Therefore you can replace part of the dextrose in your protein shake by Maltodextrin in order to keep its sweetness limited. A 50/50 mixture of dextrose/Maltodextrin also gets slightly faster absorbed by the body than a pure dextrose or Maltodextrin solution.
Fine milled oats:
In contrast to dextrose and Maltodextrin, milled oats are a great source of a slow carbohydrates low glycemic index that additionally provides lots of healthy fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
When milled ultra fine they are very easily mixable into a protein shake and they provide a great smooth taste. Fine milled oats are a great source of carbohydrates for throughout the …show more content…
In each case, in my opinion, all substances that don't occur in a normal healthy daily diet, especially when they are supposed to manipulate your hormone levels, should not be used by true natural bodybuilders. Also believe that from a health perspective, it is not wise to disturb your natural hormonal balance.
Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate:
Several studies have shown that glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate may have beneficial effects on the health of your joints. They are claimed to help relieve joint ache, treat osteoarthritis, and improve the health of your cartilage and maybe your tendons.
In Europe, they are even approved as safe and effective medical drugs for osteoarthritis. Although I have never tried them myself, I believe it may be worthwhile trying them to prevent or treat joint injuries.
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