Individuals are helping the environment through travel, at home, at work, and in their consumer lifestyles. While traveling they can use other means of transportation or carpool, and at home people are turning off electronics when not in use and overall reducing resource consumption. At work, similar to being at home, turn off electronics when not in use, but also make sure your employer and co-workers are informed of ways they can help. Consumables can be harder as they are things that cost money, where everything previously was a cost-free initiative. Individuals can use reusable bags, change to a more eco-friendly diet, and buy consumables that were produced with environmental standards in mind.…
In Section 1, you learned about the natural environment, how it is impacted by humans, and how that impact is measured. Now, you'll apply what you learned.…
Greenhouse Gases: Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a greenhouse gas in the atmosphere that may raise average temperatures on Earth. The burning of fossil fuels could be responsible for the increased levels of carbon dioxide. If current trends continue, future concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide in parts per million (ppm) could reach the levels shown in the accompanying table. The CO2 concentration in the year 2000 was greater than it had been at any time in the previous 160,000 years.…
Global Warming consist of many issues that affect our daily lives. We can all do out part in trying to mitigate global warming There are many simple steps you can take right now to cut global warming pollution. Make conserving energy a part of your daily routine. Each time you choose a compact fluorescent light bulb over an incandescent bulb, for example, you 'll lower your energy bill and keep nearly 700 pounds of carbon dioxide out of the air over the bulb 's lifetime. By opting for a refrigerator with the Energy Star label indicating it uses at least 15 percent less energy than the federal requirement over a less energy-efficient model, you can reduce carbon dioxide pollution by nearly a ton in total. Join NRDC in our campaign against global warming.…
o What is a carbon footprint? What are some things that the average person could do to reduce the carbon footprint he makes in a year? How are these changes likely to benefit the environment?…
The United States leaves a huge carbon footprint through energy use, this can be reduced by: building energy efficient homes, reducing motor vehicle use, and recycling more. Some energy related activities were the lowering energy costs in the home. People sometimes think this to be hard but here are some good steps to follow to make it seem it easier. Reset the water heater thermostat, people do not always realize that most water heaters heat water to a set temperature and then hold it there, meaning that throughout the day and night the water heater cycles on and off, just maintaining that already set temperature. If we were to go the water heater and lower the setting a few degrees it can often save half as much energy and the chances are turning down the temperature won’t even be noticeable to most members of the family. Another way to lower energy costs in the home is with a programmable thermostat for heating the home. Just like the water heater maintains a set temperature even when it is not being used a thermostat does the exact same thing for your entire home. When we are just letting it cool off (or warm up) when there is no one awake can save energy and money as well. By letting the house cool on its own and not turning up the thermostat this can save you money. This change will usually pay for itself in around three years. We also have attic and wall insulation where there is a difference between the indoor and outdoor temperate, the more energy this will take to maintain a temperature of comfort in our homes. By adding insulation between the indoors and the outdoors we are reducing the energy demand. This of course depends on where you live, because the savings from insulating your walls and attic could almost double the savings. This will pay back in 3 ½ years to 12 years…
With energy being a scarce resource, people across the world need to look at lifestyle changes to protect the environment for future generations. Anything from driving less to turning off a light in a room can help the cause. Conservation methods take thought, commitment, and changes to everyday lives to make a difference. In order to conserve energy, consumers need to be aware of their daily usage and find ways to cut the usage down. Conservation of energy includes using less gasoline, electricity, and non-renewable resources. It also involves finding and producing alternative energy, recycling and home improvements. Not all methods of energy conservation will negatively impact the daily routines of people. With a little consideration and dedication to reduce energy consumption, everyone can do their part.…
Florida will be the next lost city of Atlantis! That can be imagined when reading statistics from scientists predicting that in fewer than 100 years, most of southern Florida will be under water because of global warming (Wilbur, 2011). Global warming is the rising of the Earth’s temperature because of greenhouse gasses like the burning of fossil fuels coal, oil, and gas. Some people doubt whether global warming exists. Harold Wanless, chairperson of the University of Miami 's Department of Geological Sciences believes it does. Harold was interviewed by Fox News and said that a three-foot rise in sea level will cause problems for Florida. He says that a four-foot rise "Becomes extremely difficult to live in south Florida, and at five-feet probably impossible.” Global warming is not just affecting south Florida; Global warming is affecting the world. Some people argue that human caused global warming is just a myth. If nature has a part in global warming, humans also have a part in it. The Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates that the United States gasoline and diesel fuel consumption for transportation in 2011 resulted in the emission of about 1,089 and 430 million metric tons of CO2 respectively for a total of 1,519 million metric tons of CO2. Humans are killing the planet and thus are killing their children’s future. Media, politicians, and ordinary Americans should pay more attention to global warming before it is too late.…
Human are the ones putting a huge impact on the carbon cycle. Humans are tearing apart important animal territory. they are tearing down trees and moving plants, in order to add house, expand and make buisneses. Since they are expanding the area and then bringing in more humans in return we use more of our fossil fuels increasing the carbon dioxide into the air. For example just recently near my house the were adding on to the hospital. That involves clearing out acres and acres of land just to begin the process of laying foundation. While doing this the construction companies used a lot of heavy machinery that released carbon dioxide into the air. Once construction was complete they did replant some plants and trees all around the building and parking lot, not as many as there were but they at least attempted to add some back in the area.…
I believe that the onus is on citizens to lessen the effect of climate change, and that they should reduce their carbon footprint in daily life in several ways. On an individual level, people should reduce the use of air-conditioning units, which release copious amounts of carbon dioxide and gives rise to global warming. An alternative is that they should use fans, which are more environmentally friendly. Citizens should be more aware of the use of energy at home.…
Individuals can take action by investing on greener energy sources. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has made it easier now more than ever for people to reduce their own carbon footprint by labeling various electrical products ranging from dishwashers to tablets with an Energy Star label. These products meet EPA’s low standards of energy consumption which will in turn reduce the cost of energy bills. As for transportation, carpooling and public transportation that rely on renewable energy are key to reducing your carbon footprint. Less than a decade ago, most vehicles were required to only meet minimal fuel-economy standards (Henson 388), so for those who must commute by car daily, investing in an energy efficient vehicles like electric cars and hybrids is a great way to help cut carbon…
Each person can help conserve energy by walking, riding a bike or carpooling instead of individually driving to help control the pollution to our environment. We can recycle paper, plastic and glass. By doing this we are helping protect some of the trees that are being cut down to make paper. Plastic can be used to make other things and conserve some of the oil that is used to make them. Glass containers can be reused or recycled to make more glass containers. We also reduce consumption of energy resource by turning of lights, fans or televisions when they are not in use. By doing this we will also save money on our individual energy bills.…
Dissolved oxygen is oxygen that is trapped in a fluid, such as water. Since many living organism requires oxygen to survive, it is a necessary component of water systems such as streams, lakes and rivers in order to support aquatic life. The dissolved oxygen is measured in units of parts per million (ppm). Examine the data in Table 4 showing the amount of dissolved oxygen present and the number of fish observed in the body of water the sample was taken from; finally, answer the questions below.…
1. Based on your findings from the ecological footprint calculator, how many Earth’s would be needed to support the global population if everyone lived your same lifestyle? Additionally, describe the impacts on the Earth’s climate, biodiversity, and economic security if every individual in the world lived your same lifestyle and discuss why these impacts would occur.…
4Car carried out real-world fuel economy tests on eight low-emissions cars and all failed to meet the official figures. Three cars were as much as 10mpg short of the published fuel consumption rates.…