Jemyiah- At first she spelled polar, “palor” once she realized this she self-corrected immediately. I asked her how she knew it was wrong and she said, “Because the book is right there, I checked and I was wrong.” I thought that was amazing that she was able to self-correct the way she did! She chose the puffin as her animal. To my surprise she spelled it correctly with no help. I know Adele has been reading a few books with puffins in it, so maybe she remembered the spelling. He picture matches her sentence, everything is spelled …show more content…
I will not give her a sentence starter. She was able to spell “puffin” perfectly. There is no way she needs a sentence starter. He picture was also beautifully detailed, so I will be sure that she keeps that up. She could add a background and other things to it, if time permits. She is defiantly a higher level learner who does not need a sentence starter. I will give her lined paper to use.
Shamyuiia- she was able to write the first part correctly, however, the second part was a bit fuzzy. She did not follow directions. For my next lesson I will ask that she thinks about what she is going to write for a minute. Then tell me, then I will see if she understands or not. She did do higher level work, but was unable to follow directions. Once she does this I think she will be another student who will not need a sentence starter. I will give her lined paper to