There are many discourses in the text one of which is back to giving the image of a young, vibrant and energetic city which is really a set of ideas to portray it as that. Another is that it illustrates that Cardiff is unique with what it has to offer and more than local. As in Making Social Lives where the country side is assumed to be a place for quality of life and the city is a place of doom, the text in this assignment really encourages the reader to get excited about going to Cardiff.
In the text the residents of Cardiff are given the social identities of being young, full of life, culture and are as excited about tomorrow as to what they are about today with ongoing plans for the future. In a whole the text really paints the people of Cardiff as exciting and vibrant, just waiting to welcome and entertain you. Being in touch with technology as they offer you to view more about Cardiff on a video sharing website also suggest that they are up to date with modern technology once again suggesting that Cardiff is fresh and up to date.
In the heading they put the English version then in Welsh; this also gives the residents their own unique