While diet regimens have continued to promote low-fat lifestyles and diets, rates of obesity have continued to rise along with the overall consumption of sugar. Recent studies have also shown that high-fat and low-carbohydrate diets have little to no adverse effects on cardiovascular health suggesting that americans should take a different approach to their health issues. When sugar first became available in France, England and Germany, the wealthy were first documented with hypertension, obesity and diabetes because they were the only ones able to first afford sugar. As sugar intake rose in these countries, so did the obesity rates thus when sugar became more accessible to developing countries because of increases in income in the more recent centuries they experienced a rise in obesity and heart disease. It has been recently reported that african americans are now consuming more sugar than white americans. African American men consume 14.5% of their total calories from added sugars compared to White men consuming 12.8% and Mexican American men consuming …show more content…
Men consume more calories from added sugars when they are between the ages of 20-29 at 397 kilocalories which decreases as they age. women consume 275 kilocalories between ages 20-29 and it decreases as well when they age. The dietary guidelines for Americans, released in 2010 recommends limiting a person’s daily intake of sugars and solid fats to between 5% to 15% . This seems to be overlooked by the recent data collected that shows children and adolescents have 16% of all their caloric intake from added