For this lab report, the laboratory manual (2009) was used for all labs. While completing lab five, electrodes were hooked up to the subject. After calibration for this lab, …show more content…
For lab seven and sixteen, pulse and blood pressure were taken. The subject of these labs is unknown because our data was collected from a different group. Lab seven used electrodes and a pulse transducer on the right index finger. The subject for this lab sat in a seat relaxed for fifteen seconds, seated with their hand in cold water for thirty seconds or as long as they could stand, and then seated with their right hand above their head. Data was collected then the students moved on to lesson sixteen. For lesson sixteen a pressure cuff, stethoscope, and electrode set were used. The cuff was placed on the left arm and the blood pressure was taken. The subject’s blood pressure was taken on their left arm twice while sitting then on their right arm twice while sitting, twice while lying down, and then after exercise. The data collected was