1. List the organs that compose the cardiovascular system and discuss the general functions of this system.
2. Describe the location, size, and orientation of the human heart.
3. Define the term cardiology.
4. Describe the structure of the heart in terms of its coverings, layers, chambers, valves, and blood vessels.
5. Name the function of serous fluid around the heart.
6. Give another name for epicardium.
7. Describe the structure and function of the interventricular septum.
8. Explain why the atria are passive chambers, while the ventricles are active.
9. Name the function of heart valves.
10. Distinguish between AV and SL valves in terms of location, structure, and when they close.
11. Define/describe the terms chordae tendineae, papillary muscle, and trabeculae carneae.
12. Name (and locate) the veins that deposit their blood into the atria of the heart (which atria? deox- or oxygenated?).
13. Name (and locate) the arteries that take blood away from the heart (from which ventricle? deox-or oxygenated blood?).
14. Distinguish between pulmonary, coronary and systemic circulation.
15. Track a drop of blood through the following circulations:
a. heart/ lungs/ heart;
b. through myocardium;
c. to the body (in general).
16. Define the terms ischemia and hypoxia, and explain how they are related to the pathologic conditions of angina pectoris and myocardial infarction.
17. Discuss what causes reperfusion damage.
18. Explain the significance of each component of the cardiac conduction system and trace how the cardiac impulse travels through the myocardium.
19. Name the common term for the sinoatrial (SA) node.
20. Discuss the physiological stages of cardiac muscle contraction and trace how they appear on graph plotting mV vs. time.
21. Explain why the refractory period between cardiac muscle contractions is so long.
22. Trace a typical ECG and label each wave or complex and explain what event of the CCS corresponds to each wave.