Sharon Woods
Northeast State Community College
In a world that went through a stage of “baby boomers” we now find ourselves in a situation of caring for mom and dad or grandparents while raising a family and working. All of us feel that we are superman or wonder women at the time we take on the task of caregiving. After evaluating and working directly with the elderly, mentally challenged, and profound mentally retarded population I have spent many hours with families that experience the burden of caring for mom, dad or grandparents. Results show that decisions are easier to make if mom, dad, or grandparents have choices they can make while they still maintain the where with all to do so. The frustration associated with having to make the decision alone becomes easier when the decision is made early on as to what steps should be taken if situation arises that caregiving is needed. As you read this paper you will see many reasons why seeking for a caregiver is important and knowing that the situation should be evaluated from a personal level as well as a medical level.
Coming from a field of working in health care, and providing help to families that have to make that dreaded decision of placing a family member in a facility or caring for them in their home as they work and raise children. I know firsthand that caregiving will cause burnout as well as placing a large burden on someone shoulder. It is up to our generation to explore the impact of caregiving and review options that families may not know they have.
In an artical done by Joan M. Rawlins and Michele Spencer and published in the “Journal of Comparative Family Studies,(Winter 202) p125” they state “As the ability to care one’s self declines, elderly persons depend on their children, relatives or friends, rather than paid carers for assistance in the majority of cases.” This decline in self-care, causing the children to bring mom or dad into their home
References: Azeredo Zaidsa, Jullamate Pornchai, Rosenberg Edwin, (March 2009) volume 18 Issue 4 Informal caregiving Burgess Clifford G., and Anne M. Burgess. (Winter 2007) Forum on Public Policy: A Journal Of the Oxford Round Table Carers; Family duties force many out of jobs (Mar. 18, 2004):p15 Community Care. Conway-Giustra Francine, Crowley Ann, Gorin Stephen H.(Nov. 2002): p307. Health and Social Work. 27.4 Mind, Mood & Memory 3.2(2007) 3+Caregiver stress: knowing the signs Rawlins Joan M. and Spencer Michele (Winter 2002): p125 Journal of Comparative Family Studies