Mushtaq Ali (46)
Sheena Devi
BS.Nursing 3rd year, 5th semester
Peoples Nursing School
Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences
Assistant Professor
September 09, 2013
At the this session, the learner will be able to;
1. Define growth of new born/infant and discuss growth monitoring chart
2. Discuss infant feeding and breast feeding
3. Explain weaning
Physical growth includes many things among them the following are; ❖ Growth is change in size resulting from increase in the number or size of the cell of the body. ❖ It is increase in the size of the body and its organs according to the age and can be measured in terms of centimeters and kilograms. ❖ According to Dr. Merry Sheldon: has said that growth is increase in the size and can be measured in terms of height, weight, bone and age etc…….. ❖ Growth means change in general body growth. ❖ Growth is measured in different ways like; o Body weight o Length and height o Circumference and development ❖ Infant size is ¼ of the entire length of the body at birth. ❖ The rate of growth general is most and rapid during infancy and during puberty and adolescence. ❖ The rate of growth of lymphoid tissue is rapid about 12 years of the age. ❖ The rate of genital growth is slow in the puberty and adolescence.
i. HEAD CIRCUMFERENCE OCCIPITO-FRONTAL CIRCUMFERENCE (O.F.C) ➢ Measurements of head circumference serve as an estimate of brain growth. ➢ Normally head circumference is 35 cm and larger than the chest circumference at birth but chest circumference increase in the size to become equal to head circumference at 1 year of age. And larger their after. ➢ It increases rapidly