Care Routine
Care routines are the events that happen regularly throughout the day. They support the development of children in many ways. A good care routine will have blocks of uninterrupted time for children to develop their play. A good care routine will also provide a lot of time for interactions between carers and children, this is especially important, as a strong attachment is vital in a child's first years of development. Care routines involve routines for general personal care. These may involve toileting(nappy/diaper changing), meal time dressing etc.
Consistent, predictable routines help young children understand the child care environment and feel secure. A regular routine enables children to reduce anxiety by knowing what is coming next. A well-planned routine will also help encourage children's positive behavior by meeting their basic needs for eating, sleeping, active and quiet play, time alone, and time with other children.
Good-quality child care for infants and toddlers is rich in patterns and routines that support children’s cognitive and social development. Child care patterns and routines offer physiologic stability and emotional security, and teach behavior regulation. Learning positive patterns of behavior helps young children succeed within the child care setting; children also carry internalized routines to their homes and, later, to school. In group care, children begin to learn patterns