1. Due by Day 7. Week 1 Exercises. Complete these problems and turn them in via the dropbox: P12-1, P12-7, P12-10, P12-14, E13-21, E13-22, and P13-6.…
There are four significant elements of financial management, “There are four basic financial statements. You can think of them as a set. They include the balance sheet, the statement of revenue and expense, the statement of fund balance or net worth, and the statement of cash flows.” (Baker & Baker, Chapter 4, 2011). Financial manager need to have a balance sheet to review or perform an audit so they can see the debt to income ratio for the organization they are financially responsible for. The statement of revenue and expense provide a clear financial outlook of the organizations financial situation during certain time periods. The significance of the statement of fund balance or net worth is to identify cash and property assets of the organization within a year or other period of time. Last but not least the statement of cash flow is proof of all of the profit by the organization during a certain period of time.…
All medical facilities are responsible for given the best treatment as possible to their patients. This may include having the ability to react the correct way in a determinate situation, always thinking in the patient and the organization’s benefit. In medical field there many precautions that must be taken in order to prevent a real problem, such as malpractice and law suit cases. For this reason is good to apply “think before act” because it all starts having a good base of ethical decision.…
“Jerry McCall is Dr. Williams’s office assistant. He has received professional training as both a medical assistant and a LPN. He is handling all the phone calls while the receptionist is at lunch. A patient calls and says he must have a prescription refill for Valium, an antidepressant medication, called in right away to his pharmacy, since he is leaving for the airport in thirty minutes. He says that Dr. Williams is a personal friend and always gives him a small supply of Valium when he has to fly. No one except Jerry is in the office at this time” (Bonnie, 2009, P. 85)…
However, I only have the ability to save one at this time. It is during impossible circumstances like these that we should consider the advice of those who came before us. John Stuart Mill was a noted English philosopher during the 19th century who followed a utilitarian approach to such dilemmas. He believed that the right answer was the one which would help the most people. St. Thomas Aquinas was an Italian philosopher who taught us to follow our conscience, to follow our heart and do what we believe is right.…
Issues and Problems of the Adoption Act 2000 NSW include the concept of “the best interest of the child” in relation to:…
This week’s assignment is about case studies in concern with family and couple issues. Identifying the issues and how they are to be resolved while maintaining ethical standards are the basis of this paper. The paper will describe the ethical issue that a case worker is faced with and referencing the AAMFT Code of Ethics.…
“It’s invisible to us, but there is a crime wave going on, unprecedented in human history”. This is the opening line to “Counterfeit Culture,” a documentary about how counterfeit items enter the market, the kinds of goods normally purchased, and how it not only affects the global economy, but our own personal lives as well. In the last twenty years, counterfeit goods have exploded. This is because the way consumers do business has changed. Globalization has become a major influence on all markets and goods can now easily flow from one country to another, real and counterfeit.…
* The change in parenting is permanent, so the birth parent loses all rights to the child. They may maintain the right to information and contact…
It has been over 400 years since white settlers came to America and claimed land originally belonging to the Native Americans. Indigenous peoples of America, including the Sioux tribe, have suffered continuously because of the settlers and eventually their government. The Sioux tribe is recently taking a stand by protesting the plan for the construction of an oil pipeline in North Dakota that could seriously jeopardize the water supply of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation. This pipeline also would cross through sacred ancestral lands of the Sioux tribe. Leaders of the Sioux tribe explain that they did not properly communicate with the people planning for the pipeline. Since spring, protesters have gathered peacefully to show their disagreement with the pipeline plan, but recently blocked the pathway for construction, which led to violence. The Sioux tribe have an inherent sense of duty to perform a…
One of the most difficult trials I face in my life are ethical and moral dilemmas. I believe one purpose for this life is to learn to act for ourselves and learn to see a situation correctly and act righteously. Everyday I'm faced with decisions of right and wrong, most of which are easily and correctly dealt with. Sometimes however, decisions need to be made that are not easy or perfectly clear. In this paper I wish to discuss a presented moral dilemma and explain what I would do in the same situation.…
There is no danger of the birth parents interfering with the upbringing of the adopted child and there will not be any risk of ‘co-parenting’. (findlaw)…
A key issue that impacts on members of the triad is the extent to which they have access to information. It is imperative that professionals working in adoption act ethically to ensure the rights of all the involved parties at all points in the process. Adoption is controlled by State law in the United States. Laws and practice in each State vary. No matter where the adoption takes place, overarching ethical considerations should be applied consistently. It is imperative that social workers, agencies, adoption service providers, judges, attorneys, and other professionals involved with the legal process of adoption act ethically to ensure the rights of all parties to an adoption. There are four key ethical issues in adoption: secrecy and openness; the role of race, culture and national origin; market forces; and the relationship between adoption and the emerging reproductive technologies.…
A married couple, both addicted to drugs, is unable to care for their infant daughter. She is taken from them by court order and placed in a foster home. The years passed. She comes to regard her foster parents as her real parents. They love her as they would their own daughter. When the child is 9 years old, the natural parents, rehabilitated from drugs, begin court action to regain custody. The case is decided in their favor. The child is returned to them, against her will. Do ethics support the law in this case? Discuss.…
When an individual thinks of ethics they may think of universal rules and morals that everyone follows to ensure the safety of persons and social justice for those who violate these said rules. However, they would be wrong in believing such ethical standards are held at such high standards internationally compared to our Western ideals. Even ethical standards in the United States tend to vary across states. While thinking in an ethical mind set I thought about a group of persons, who are important to me, children in the foster care system. This particular group of individuals is important to me because I was a summer counselor for children who were diagnosed with ADHA and other co-diagnoses, and the majority of the children have been through the foster care system. I decided to compare the ethical standards held in the foster care systems in the United States to the foster care systems in China because nearly one-third of Chinese children were adopted into the United States in 2007 (“China adoption statistics,” 2007). Therefore, we are relying on Chinese ethical standards for the care of these children until they are settled in the United States with their family.…