The students in the class were defiantly comfortable with Mr. Neyhart. It even seemed like they looked up to him since he made the classroom enjoyable and they were able to learn by using their hands then just reading from a book.
The management of the classroom was very organized, it would have to be since the students were learning how to use equipment. If Mr. Neyhart saw that the students were not paying attention to him he would start all over to make sure they understood what he wanted the students to learn that day.
From the lessons I observed I felt that the lessons were clear to the students. At the end of the morning class all the students were able to start and stop a mower compared to when they began the lesson. It was even adorable to see the only girl in the class have a huge smile on her face when she was able to start the mower and move it on her …show more content…
Neyhart made sure that the students were involved. He did this by a change reaction with the students. In the morning class he took the first student and showed that student how to start up the mower and how to get the mower to move on the pavement. Once that student was done, he called the next student up to learn how to use the mower; instead of Mr. Neyhart showing the new student how to start up the mower he would have the last student teach the new student how to start the mower. For safety reason though Mr. Neyhart would instruct each student how to get the mower to move and walk along side of