Prepared For:
Professor Bob Arnold
ENGL 277
Prepared by
Kelly Pringle
Student at DeVry University
August, 30, 2012
TO: Professor Bob Arnold
FROM: Kelly Pringle
DATE: August, 30, 2012
SUBJECT: Formal Report: Career Comparison
Enclosed in this formal report is an in-depth comparison of two career choices; Civil Engineering and Architecture, requested on August, 19, 2012. Included is a guided decision to the better career choice.
One of the main concerns during this time of vocational guidance is how the occupational health benefits have changed over the last decade or so. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the total percentage of employees who are covered by insurance has declined substantially. This will really be taken into consideration for those seeking employment. Also both Architecture and Civil Engineering are occupations that need to include healthcare benefits.
My research began with the important background information for both careers. What is the job description, what is the pay and benefits, and how to you earn a job in the field? The most credible source to find this type of information is from the Department of labor. All the data is pretty much current and up to date. Some of the data from years ago is used to compare the changes over time including data provided by the census taken every ten years. I continued to investigate printed sources that tented to stack against Architecture, being that it is a more vigorous occupation.
Among the many duties and responsibilities civil engineers have, they mainly oversee activities of construction personal at the site of the project. To become a civil engineer you have to obtain a bachelor degree or higher, which is for promotional purposes. The average pay is 37.29 per hour with benefits they make up to 77,560 a year.
Architects present drawing to clients and create
References: Cesal, E. J. (2010). The Risk Architect. In Down Detour Road: An Architect in Search of Practice (pp. 112-113). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Dainty, A.R. (2007). Gender: a risk factor for occupational stress in the architectural profession? Construction Management & Economics, 25(12), 1305-1317. Zak Figura, S. (1997). Does OSHA cover architects and engineers? Penton Business Media, Inc. and Penton Media Inc., 59(4), 12-14. Manson, J Employment Situation Summary. (2012, August 3). Retrieved August 18, 2012, from U.S Department of Labor website: How has health benefits changed from 1998 to 2011? (2012, June 28) Civil Engineering (2012, March 29). Retrieved August 18, 2012, from Bureau of Labor Statistics Architects Summary (2012, March 29) Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2012-13 Edition.