Two business sectors that I would chose to work for would be assurance and audit for the government and the second option would…
Kavanagh, M. H., & Drennan, L. (2008). What skills and attributes does an accounting graduate need? Evidence from student perceptions and employer expectations. Accounting & Finance, 48(2), 279-300. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-629X.2007.00245.x…
My future career choice is to become an accounting consultant; this job would require me to create financial reports, pro-forma financial statements and reports for businesses. I would have to analyse, interpret and evaluate financial statements and reports for various authorities accounting consultants help businesses with all of their financial needs. In order to become an accounting consultant, I would have to upgrade my mathematical, technical and accounting skills.…
This article displays careers available to accountant majors. It lists steps to take while job searching. Because I am majoring in accounting I decided to choose this journal to see fully what becomes available to me upon receiving my diploma. Within this article provides a detailed description of four workshops that focus on the accounting industry, specifically public accounting, non-public accounting, the recruiting process and professional certifications. Although it was not exactly what I was looking for it still answered many questions I had about what came after graduation.…
There has been a significant shift in accounting profession from just providing numerical financial information to advising on a wide range of business matters - from profitability of developing a new line of products to E-commerce and investigating fraudulent activities.…
The profession of accounting includes many different job settings. The main fields for accounting include public, private, and government accounting. Public accountants work on a fee for service basis, either independently or as a member of an accounting firm. They are then hired by individuals or businesses for the purposes of preparing financial statements, auditing, tax preparation, and investigations. (1) Private accountants are employed by companies, for which they develop and maintain the financial records. (1) Government accountants are federal or state governmental employees whose jobs include keeping the financial records of governmental agencies as well as audits of private companies. In the federal government they may be employed as bank examiners, IRS agents, or investigators in addition to more traditional accounting positions. (1)…
Beta Alpha Psi would like to inform you about all the great and wonderful opportunities that a career in accounting can provide and the skills required to being successful in the path of accounting. One of the crucial decisions a student has to make is picking a major to pursue and a school they want to attend. Accounting is known as the language of business because of its involvement of making a business successful and allowing investors, owners and anyone else make a decision of being involved and associating with a business based on the reports provided by accountants. Accounting is not only sitting on desk writing number down it is much more than that. There are multiple things that one can do with accounting such as Taxation, Auditing,…
An information system is the set of formula procedures by which data are collected, processed into information, and distributed to users.…
Accountants are the one who acts like a safeguard of the company because through their financial report, the company knows where are there in the market now. In the real world, you can do a lot of stuffs by taking the accounting course. You can work as a bookkeeper or accounting clerk. You are also trained to do income tax, auditing, making financial reports, financial planner, computer consulting and banking. You can also open your business and work for business, industry, and organizations by providing them the solution through financial reporting and planning. The financial accounting gives the import information to the business about their financial history and current performance through the income statement, balance sheet and the company running cash flow. It also helps the shareholders and stakeholders to take better decisions by giving them the information about the company internal and external control. Those are the important part accounting role in the business…
In order to understand and analyze 'accountants' deeply, the basic information of it should be provided about them, such as the definition, where they work and what they do. In the conventional sense, accountants are concerned with recording and keeping financial accounts of businesses, which is one of the most important parts of accounting. However, it is just the tip of the iceberg. Shani Hartley (2010) points out that accountants convey and communicate financial information via the ways of accounts, advice and reports. Therefore, they not only help businesses make bigger profits in favourable times but also bring them out of difficult positions in the trying times. In addition, accountants' work places are very flexible. They are employed by accounting companies, private businesses, governments and other organizations; in other words, they work throughout all industry areas (Hartley, 2010, p. 2). Thus, accountants can work for both individual and corporate businesses.…
D. To provide information on both the costs and benefits of looking after products and services.…
Also accounting can help you make decision for future of your company. For example, if you want to make your business bigger account can help you make decision what you can afford and what you can’t to make your business…
Being in college is a great opportunity to study the major everyone has always dreamed of. I am sure that not everyone that is in college at the moment knows exactly what direction to go with their specific major. By doing some research on my major I plan to gain some knowledge of what type of job opportunities my accounting major can offer me. At this moment I do not know exactly what different jobs I can pursue with my major. I am also sure that there are a several jobs that can deal with accounting that I will learn about.…
I have made my decision to become an accountant due to my desire to work with numbers and to manage money in order to help both myself and others. I haven’t experienced much in the field of accounting, but through reading books on accounting and listening to family friends in which are accounts, I would like to learn more and make it my career…
My academic and career goal is to successfully become an accountant. I plan on earning a Bachelor's degree to obtain an entry-level position in the accounting field. While in college, I seek to find an internship opportunity with an accounting organization or firm to gain career development opportunities and access to networking. After earning Bachelor's degree, I seek to pursue a Master's degree in order to become a Certified Public Accountant. I will put forth strong determination to become a successful accountant and continue advancing in my career in accounting.…