Mabini Campus
Sta. Mesa, Manila
College of Business
Written Summary Report in
Training and Development
“Management Development, Career Planning and Counseling”
Emman Kristoffer D. Sualog
Floribelle M. Lendio
Erika Jane M. Zalsos
Kim L. Mendoza
Bryan Jay Orpiada
I – Introduction
Career Management is the combination of structured planning and the active management choice of one's own professional career. The outcome of successful career management should include personal fulfillment, work/life balance, goal achievement and financial assurity.
Career planning is a subset of career management. Career planning applies the concepts of Strategic planning and Marketing to taking charge of one's professional future.
II - Aims and Objectives of Career Planning
The principal objectives of career planning are:
1. To secure the right man at the right job and at the right time;
2. To maintain a contended team of employees;
3. To provide adequate career avenues to employees to higher levels of responsibilities; and
4. To strengthen the retention program of the organization.
III – Career Planning Process
Career planning is the process of setting individual career objectives and devising developmental activities necessary to achieve them. It is, in the broadest sense, the personal process of planning one’s future work.
Career planning involves four fundamental elements which, when taken together, represent the career planning process:
* Direction * Career Time * Transition * Outcomes
IV- Career Structure
1. It makes clear that getting to the top of the structure is not a right but is based on merit and capability. 2. The entry requirements for each step are clear. 3. There is formal assessment procedure in order to progress from one step to another. 4. The career structure is known and understood by all. 5. It is controlled and