Using the results of your WOIS assessments, identify a minimum of three (3) careers that interest you. Locate the careers in the WOIS Website and save each career page to your portfolio.
Write a three-page (minimum, not including cover page or Works Cited page) paper describing each career that you have chosen to learn more about. Include the following:
Description of the job and its working conditions.
Why the career interests you.
Skills and training required for employment.
Employment outlook in the field.
Salary range for the occupation.
Identify one or more training programs available to prepare you for each selected career.
Type the paper in MLA format:
Include a cover page.
Include a header on each page with your last name and current page number.
Include a heading on page 1 only with your name, my name, class name, and date.
Use 1” top, bottom, and side margins.
Use Times New Roman in 12 point size font for the body of the document (header, too!)
Use Times New Roman in 16 point size bold font for titles
Use Times New Roman in 14 point size bold font for side headings
Double space entire document.
Use bold side headings for each career.
Indent paragraphs.
Do NOT copy and paste; type the information in your own words.
Use complete sentences.
Proofread and use spellcheck!
On Works Cited page, use the following citation format (use hanging indents) for each career page you access:
WOIS/The Career Information System. “Career page name.” Date page was last updated. Web. Date you accessed the page. .
WOIS/The Career Information System. “Accountants and Auditors.” 2014. Web. 13 January, 2014. .
Due Friday, January 17, 2014
Cited: page, use the following citation format (use hanging indents) for each career page you access: WOIS/The Career Information System. “Career page name.” Date page was last updated. Web. Date you accessed the page. . Example: WOIS/The Career Information System. “Accountants and Auditors.” 2014. Web. 13 January, 2014. . Due Friday, January 17, 2014