• 12. Sustainable Development• A concept of advancing a people’s quality of life, through both economic growth and development and human without compromising future generations and their capacity to meet their own needs.• In this type of development if human development needs are compromised imporvents will be unsustainable• So yeah all types of development are connected here
• 13. Sustainable Development• If equity is compromised so will the environment be. In severely unequal places like Haiti where daily survival is more of priority than the well being of future generations the environment will be exploited i.e. cutting of forests which lead to soil erosion• Hence measures must be implemented to reduce inequality and poverty.• Big companies often exploit the environments to make a profit like destroying forests, overfishing and polluting.• Therefore measures to increase the empowerment of citizens to raise issues against the interests of big business is critical to ensue sustainability.
• 14. Sustainable Development• Equity: – Refers to the commitment on the part of the people and government of a country to enable all social groups to access the opportunities that the country offers and be fair to all groups as they grasp these opportunities• Productivity (Based on equity) – Refers to an understanding that if people have equal access to educational and job opportunities then their productivity will probably increase. So if one has adequate job qualifications they probably won’t be in a dead end job where there is no challenge.
• 15. Sustainable