The Comfort theory developed by Kolcaba has been applied to all a nursing environments. In the article Comfort Theory and it application to Pediatric Nursing applies comforting interventions to pediatrics during stressful procedure and operations. Comfort is one aspect of nursing that is integrated into the role of the nurse. To care for a patient is to give comfort to the patient and family. There are three types of comfort such as standard comfort (interventions to maintain homeostasis and control of pain), coaching relieve anxiety by reassurance, information and listening. Comfort food for the soul that is extra things that the nurse does to make patient/families feel cared for and strengthened i.e. massage or guided imaginary (Kolcaba & DiMarco, 2005).
This research study developed and tested nursing interventions that would comfort children and families in clinical setting through a comforting behaviors checklist. These interventions were applied to questionnaire that patients and families answered and ranked. The results of study demonstrated that interventions of comfort during certain procedures enhance the relationship between the pediatric patient as well as the family. Trauma and end-of-life situations utilized comfort care measure best to allow holistic care of the acutely ill pediatric patient. Therefore, it is important for nursing educators to stress the importance of comfort measures during acute traumatic events especially with pediatric as well as other vulnerable patient populations (Kolcaba & DiMarco, 2005).
Kolcaba, K., & Marguerite A. DiMarco, M.A. (2005). Comfort theory and its application to pediatric nursing. Pediatric Nursing, 31(3), 187-194.
Comfort is a desired outcome of nursing care, and this article presents a review of the current knowledge concerning holistic comfort. Most articles have to do with "patient needs or deficits or altered