*Their role is charitable, enabling countries that have met misfortune to get back on their feet again, mostly through Catholic Church donations
-Four areas they work in.
Kenya, China, Peru and Fiji. * Three types of programs.
Basic health, Education, Climate justice. * Profile on each region
Caritas Australia and our partners provided food/cash for work to 40,000 people and supplied supplementary feeding to elderly, children, pregnant women and new mothers. We provided water, sanitation and hygiene promotion sessions and improved sanitation through construction of pit latrines to prevent diseases. Improved access to clean water for households in North Eastern Kenya.
Caritas Australia helped over 100 ethnic minority families improve their land use and farming techniques in Xishuangbanna to allow them to adapt to change in a way that is consistent with and sensitive to their traditions.
Caritas Australia’s Rural Development Program has increased school attendance rates in primary and secondary school to 98%, doubled crop production and improved participants diet, food quality and hygiene. The incidence of anaemia, gastric difficulties and respiratory infections have subsequently also decreased by 50%.
Through Fiji Media Watch citizens are being encouraged to better understand their rights and to become critical users of the media.
* Are there any crossover projects
In papa new guniea called “Mercy works integrated community development” which aims to empower and promote self-reliance among vulnerable people and communities in the Eastern and Western Highlands of Papua New Guinea. The program provides training sessions and support groups to communities, focusing on the areas of human rights and advocacy, domestic violence prevention, men’s and women’s health and children and youth issues.
* Name 5 other aid organisations that operate in these areas. 1. Unicef 2. China medical aid