In his early years Jung was traumatized by the separation of his parents, while his mother was in the mental hospital in Zurich(memiors) . Emilie Preiswerk , Jung's mother, was a psychic and `uncanny’ to the point where her son was afraid of her at night. It was from observation of his mother’s `split mind’ that Jung claimed to have learned `the mind of woman’. These early observations may have spawned the basis for the theory of the anima, or the feminine part of the male personality. It was from her too that he discovered the secrets of `splitting’ and `dissociation ’, that he later …show more content…
His intuitive aptitude, may have lead him to his ideology on the collective unconscious and archetypes. Archetypes can be defined as universal thoughts, symbols, or images having a large amount of emotion attached to them. While there are a variety of archetypes, there are four archetypes that Jung felt, played a significant role in the establishment of a balanced personality: the persona; animus/anima; shadow; and self. According to the, "the“persona” is an archetype that develops over time as a result of the tendency of people to adopt the social roles and norms that go along with living with other people. From the Latin word meaning “mask,” the persona reflects what might be defined as a person’s public personality. However, attaching too much emotion and importance to the persona can result in the individual losing contact with his or her true feelings and identity, which can then become dictated by others". The “shadow” represents the primitive or animalistic side of the personality. Similar to the id developed by Freud, "the shadow represents all of the instinctive and impulsive aspects of personality typically repressed in the unconscious regions of the mind and kept out of the public personality", ones dark side per say. …show more content…
endgender- “end-” meaning “inside” and/or “within.”essentially the opposite of ectogender. someone who feels as though their gender exists completely within their being and/or is fully attached to their person. transgender- "trans" meaning across,” “beyond,” “through,” “changing thoroughly. denoting or relating to a person whose self-identity does not conform unambiguously to conventional notions of male or female gender. noting or relating to a person whose gender identity does not correspond to that person’s biological sex assigned at birth
The term transgender has largely replaced the older term transsexual, which is now considered outdated. Transgender is a less clinical term, referring more to gender identity and gender expression than to sexual orientation or physical sex characteristics. The whole LGBTQ generation is focused on inclusiveness and connecting of individuals as a whole. There is not only a shift in culture, but also the possibility of new archetypes that may be forming within the collective unconsciousness, making room to accept these new