English 101
Professor Chastine
Essay #2
October 12th 2014
Carls jr. is selling women not burgers Daddy why are those girls dressed like that? As an average dad scrambles to find an answer, he wonders why Carl’s Jr. Exposes such pornographic clips, these clips may generate interest to the male youth of America, but what about everyone else? These commercials have created a worldwide controversy. People are asking questions like what is Carl’s Jr. trying to sell? Hamburgers? Or women? Carls jr.’s current commercial campaign to sell burgers by exploiting women may generate interest, but it chances marginalizing a large customer base and ultimately damages the reputation of the chain. “We believe in putting hot models in our commercials, because ugly ones don’t sell burgers,” Carl’s Jr. stated in a press release on its website dated April 27, 2011. Carl’s Jr. has gone through hell and back without any guilt. They have stood their ground and argued with any type of harassment. Underestimating their abilities of showing no weakness has proven that they aren’t going anywhere, they believe that these commercials do not harm anyone and will continue until told to stop. The commercials that Carl’s jr.’s puts out there have so many complaints that they have what is known as a Carl’s Jr. Complaint page. People from around the world post what they think about the commercials. One women said on the website” They are definitely inappropriate and sexually explicit and Carl's Jr ads need to be stopped. The use of trashy half naked women to sell food is disgusting and pathetic. And their new commercial about joining the mile high club is even worse. Apparently Carl's Jr doesn't care about children or what they may see or hear when viewing basic cable that should be appropriate for all ages. I complained to Carl's Jr directly and all they said was sorry it offends you but the owner and franchisor of Carl's Jr adopts a "creative approach to our advertising."