Carmoisine also known as E122 or Food Red 3, Brillant carmoisine O, Azorubin S, Acid Red 14, CAS No. 3567-69-9 or C.I. 14720, is a di sodium salt of disulfonates of 2-(2 quinolyl) – 1, 3 indandione and is obtained as red to maroon colour powder (Fig. 1). Dye content in the substance is 88%, sodium chloride/sulphate is less than 12%, water insoluble matter less than 0.2%, Arsenic less than 1 ppm, lead less than 0.01 ppm, heavy metals less than 40 ppm. Carmoisine was certified by FDA and labeled as food colorant. Carmoisine was obtained from Millennium Chemical Company (Dhaka, Bangladesh), which was manufactured by Sun Food Tech., (Rajasthan, India).
Fig. 1. Molecular structure of carmoisine (disodium (E)-4-hydroxy-3-((4-sulfonatonaphthalen-1-yl)diazenyl)naphthalene-1-sulfonate) …show more content…
Body weights were obtained before exposure (day 0), weekly during exposure, and a final fasted body weight was recorded for each animal on the day preceding scheduled sacrifice for calculation of organ to body weight ratios. The daily food consumptions per animal were calculated in order to determine the feed efficacy ratios (i.e., body weight gained as a percent of feed consumed). The animals were fasted overnight before scheduled clinical pathology sample collections, but had access to water ad libitum. At the end of the experimental period (17 weeks) the animals were anesthesized after a short exposure to diethyl ether. Incisions were made into the abdomen and blood samples were collected from the thorasic aorta. Blood samples for haematology analysis, were placed in micro-collection tubes containing potassium EDTA (Sarstedt, Inc., Numbrecht, Germany). Blood for clinical chemistry evaluations was placed in tubes devoid of anticoagulant, allowed to clot at room temperature, and centrifuged, and serum was separated. Blood collected from all 10-mice/exposure groups was used for determination of each of the 16 haematology parameters. Adequate plasma samples obtained from another 10-mice/exposure group were available for determination of each of the 11 clinical chemistry parameters. Necropsy was performed on all treated and control animals. Selected organ were excised, rinsed in a chilled saline solution, then blotted on filter paper and weighed separately to calculate relative organ weight. Then selected organ were fixed and preserved in Bouin’s fluid, a quantitative mixture of picric acid, formalin and acetic acid for histopathological and molecular