These people are hard to thank for their giving, and the impact that their money ends up making is less than what it could have been, had they given it while they were still alive. Unfortunately, funds given after death are taxed heavily by the state and often not administered towards what the deceased had requested they be given to. But these people are not around to see that their money be put to the use they intended. The third and final form of distribution of wealth discussed by Carnegie is that of funds administered during the lives of the wealthy individuals. This is the most reliable form of distribution because the one holding the wealth can determine every aspect of the impact that he is making. He is not limited to just one organization or a few family members, but is instead able to give out smaller sums to more people that will intern have a greater lasting affect than one lump sum. It is also brought up that is important for this person to live a moderate lifestyle in order to avoid the folly that comes from the accumulation of too much wealth, even if it is earned through hard work. The one thing that one must pay careful attention to is that the …show more content…
Addams realized that there was a gap between what everyone saw as equality and what was actually happening in reality. She saw a need for boundaries of class and culture to be crossed in order to motivate people to improve the society in which they lived. This society didn’t just include one class, but all classes, all peoples and all backgrounds equally represented as human beings. She saw philanthropy as a means that benefited both groups of people, not by encouraging the wealthy to give in order to build up their self esteem, but to give so that they may learn more about themselves. In doing so, they would see that they are not any different from those in the lower classes. Addams wanted to break down the walls of ignorance and hostility that existed between the rich and the poor. She used philanthropy as a tool to create this dream of equality. She didn’t throw money on peoples’ problems, she listened to them and gave of her time in order to create a solution to their problem, without just throwing money at them. Addams wanted to create an atmosphere where the rich and the poor could come together and allow their respect to represent their charity. She sought out volunteers who genuinely wanted to use their time as a gift to the poor who needed not their money but their assistance. Both groups were hard working individuals, they just were at different places in life.