Personification gives the song more of a cheerful and Christmas mood. An example is “O’er hill and dale, telling their tale” (19,20) which means that when the sound travels over the hills and through the town, they tell their own tale to their song. Another example is “On on they send, on without end,” (27,28) which means that they send their sound to every home continuously throughout the holidays, bringing cheer everyday. A final example is “Oh how they pound, raising the sound,” (17,18) which means that they pound back and forth, making the sound louder and louder so the song could be heard miles and miles …show more content…
An example is “Merry, Merry, Merry, Merry Christmas, Merry, Merry, Merry, Merry Christmas,” (25,26) which is like the chorus of the song. It emphasizes the meaning as to why the bells are ringing (because of the holidays). Another example of repetition is “Ding dong ding dong,” (9,31) which is played twice in the song, once in the middle beginning and once at the end. It emphasizes when the bells sound travels to the houses and goes through them, spreading cheer. A final example is “Bringing good cheer” and “Words of good cheer” (6,14) which both emphasize the how the bells bring cheer to everyone and how the cheer is