officer and a teacher, Terri had a passion for learning and serving others and was a force to be reckoned with. Starting in grade school she performed well above average for her grade level and spent many afternoons volunteering and helping her mother tutor children in their community. The remainder of her time, was often spent with her father at the library. Terri took a liking to early Stephen King novels with a particular interest in what made his characters “tick”, claiming this was the beginning of her interest in mental illness. At sixteen Terri graduated high school early, and moved to Florida to attend the University of Tampa.
Since she was too young to live on campus she lived with her grandparents and made the hour drive to and from campus several times a week. Terri started out as a biology major, but soon switched over to social work. Once her Masters degree was completed she worked at several non-profit agencies specializing trauma, abuse, sexual offenders and as a batterers facilitator. She worked long, hard hours counseling children whom had become victims of heinous crimes and often volunteering her time to educate parents of victims. Terri worked alongside police officers helping to gather the information necessary to prosecute perpetrators of young children. She recalls her most challenging yet rewarding experience as a social worker; a case that involved the sexual, physical and mental abuse of several foster children. All of the children were able to receive long term counseling services, eventually adopted in to a stable family and their abuser was arrested. This achievement required many unpaid hours and a lot of contact with the other agencies involved in the children’s
case. Unfortunately, one day Terri suffered a stroke while at work. Her passion for mental health was put on hold for quite some while in order for her to regain her health. Upon becoming able to work again she decided to return to non-profit work. This time as an Executive Director. The agency Terri runs is a counseling agency with a mission to provide mental health services to residents in Denton County at an affordable rate for all. Upon taking charge, she implemented several changes; expanding the agency’s program for free counseling to cover all of Denton County School Districts, and developing both a parenting and teen group. In a TED talk given by Angela Lee Duckworth, she describes grit as a force more powerful than IQ or talent. Research conducted by her team found repeatedly that gritty students and employees were more likely to succeed because of their ability to surpass obstacles in order to achieve goals. Personally, character and grit have helped in my life often. At 21 years old I became orphaned, as well as the primary care giver for my three younger brothers. Taking care of them was first nature and was not just the right thing to do, it was the only thing to do. Grit has helped tremendously in raising three young men. My ability to push forward towards my goal of helping them reach success has been tremendously helpful in our situation. Character and grit are two traits imperative to success.