Public Accountant is Me!
Marselina Sinaga
Universitas Siswa Bangsa International (The Sampoerna University)
Public Accountant is Me!
Public accountant or known as external accountant is an independent accountant that gives services depend on payment, works freely and usually has their own office. Public accountant works in public accountant office (Bahasa: KAP (kantor akuntan publik)) and its practice as a public accountant and build their own office if that accountant has legal permission from Financial Department of Indonesia. An accountant also can do the auditing, management, and structuring management system services.
My name is Marselina Sinaga one of students in USBI Jakarta that really interested become an accountant, especially public accountant. Since I was in Senior High School-ASBI, then my teacher introduced me to a lesson called accounting, I really excited and want to learn about it every day. First impression of this lesson is pretty good. I really enjoy it. That’s why I choose to be an accountant in the next five or ten years.
Become an accountant is not an easy work. An accountant should be really careful in seeing and examining the data of one company or organization. Not only that, their integrity, quality and professionalism also being questioned here. Are they an honest person or not? If not, so they can be corrupt and manipulate the data. The value of an accountant should be strong and in straight line. That is why an accountant has hard time of work minimum fifty hours per week, and the maximum is depending on the case that the accountant faced. The manager of accountant maybe travel a lot to meet clients and watch the employee but, for the accountant itself, it is depending on the case that the accountant faced.
Work environment is the characteristic of the job itself (routine, attractive, overtime work), the competition level among the employee is the factor that we