Casey Adams
Paper on Good and Evil
Capella University
October, 2013
The concepts of Good and Evil can take on many forms, and the theories of what makes good or evil can be expressed in a variety of ways. Casablanca has both evil and good characters making moral decisions that affect not only themselves, but potentially the world. In this joint, this “gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world….” (Wallis & Curtiz, 1942) we see a story of good triumphing over evil following the old adage of love conquers all.
If Kant and Mill were in Casablanca Taking a look at Casablanca through the …show more content…
But the others wait in Casablanca... and wait... and wait... and wait.” (Wallis & Curtiz, 1942) In this mass departure of souls fleeing the Nazis, Ilsa and Laszlo must escape to America were Laszlo can continue his anti-Nazi opposition. In order to make it to America they must persuade Rick that his moral obligation is to aid them, for the consequence of not helping them would badly cripple the Nazi resistance movement.
Moral responsibility, or duty, falls under the deontology theory of Immanuel Kant. According to Sommers and Sommers (2010) “A good will is good not because of what it effects or accomplishes, nor because of its fitness to attain some proposed end; it is good only through its willing, i.e., it is good in itself” (p. 232). In deontology the fact that you are a human being, gives you rights, dignity, and fundamental moral value.
Laszlo epitomizes the duty that Kant theorized was morally essential. When Rick inquired of Laszlo if he thought it was worth all the fighting, he responded with “You might as well question why we breathe. If we stop breathing, we 'll die. If we stop fighting our enemies, the world will die.” (Wallis & Curtiz, 1942) In this you see that Laszlo believes it is his duty to the world to go on fighting the evil he observes in the world in the figure of the …show more content…
(Rachels & Rachels, 2012) As well, the Nazi did not respect the civil liberties, rights, or dignity of their fellow humans, the Jews. In this they desecrated the will of moral right.
Utilitarianism or the greatest happiness principle, is mainly characterized by happiness and consequentialism. The measure of good and evil is balanced between individual 's happiness and the happiness of the community. (Sommers & Sommers, 2013) If you treat others how you wish to be treated, you are acting in the greater good for the most amounts of people, and in doing so, you are acting with morals. To act selfishly, you are acting morally wrong. This theory relies on producing the greatest amount of happiness. (Sommers & Sommers, 2013)
Rick lost his moral high ground long ago because of the consequence of Ilsa’s actions in Paris when they were lovers. When Ilsa and Laszlo enter Café Americian they must overcome Ilsa’s previous actions to convince Rick to assist the couple in their escape to America. Rick must choose the moral right in order to bring about the greatest happiness for Laszlo, who in turn will be able to bring about the greatest happiness for the Jewish