3. What forms of treatment are helpful for a person with autism? Medication and therapy are the two most popular treatments for autism.
4. List the criteria for a diagnosis of mental retardation: IQ test that results in an IQ between 70 and 75,
significant limitations in two or more areas of adaptive behavior, and evidence that the limitations became prevalent during childhood 5. Explain one way in which sociocultural biases in testing might pose problems for assessing mental retardation. Some cultures do not develop their children at the same speed and level as other, when a person from an under developing sociocultural is being tested the diagnoses may reflect mental retardation, when it is not the case at all. 6. Of the four levels of mental retardation, into which category do most people with mental retardation fall? Of the four levels, most people will suffer from mild mental retardation.
7. What are the main types of biological causes of mental retardation? They are inherited abnormalities in genes, most of the time it comes from the X syndrome. 8. What is the only way to prevent fetal alcohol syndrome? Don't drink any alcohol while you are pregnant and don't take any medication that has alcohol in it.
9. What are normalization and mainstreaming? Normalization is the process of making any process more normal, which translates to conforming to the rules or the regularity of the environment. Mainstreaming is the process of educating students with special needs in regular classroom setting according to their specific needs.
10. What is your opinion about mainstreaming and normalization for children and adults with autism or mental retardation? Mainstreaming includes all children with special needs and puts them in a regular learning environment. It makes children that suffer from a condition feel like they are normal.