Other than the five-tier management employees, vice presidents and above are highly respected in the company, therefore not having to change their title or status in the company. People in charge of projects or people also have their rights and power within SK Company, and are called “Team Leader”. Brilliant ideas from the junior staffs are often shot down by the employees that are in power over them.
Artifacts resulting from South Korean’s cultural value could be lack of self-enhancement. Self enhancement is a key ingredient in the self-concept picture, it is the desire to feel valued. In this case, junior staffs do not feel valued at any way, which also could result in them going through low mental and physical health. Low level staffs would also lack self-esteem (a third key ingredient of self-concept), or confidence, which will make them feel as if they are not doing a good enough job all the time.
2. In our opinion, why is this hierarchical value so strong in South Korea? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this value in society?
Based on our research, South Korea follow the teaching of Confucius and one of the teachings of Confucius is to respect the elderly. It has been that way since South Korea is still in an agriculture society 40 years ago. In our opinion, since the tradition has been used