3. Osteoarthritis, sometimes called degenerative joint disease or osteoarthrosis, is the most common form of arthritis. Osteoarthritis is characterized by the breakdown of joint cartilage and may affect any joint in the body, including those in fingers, hips, knees, lower back and feet. Initially osteoarthritis may strike only one joint. But if fingers are affected, multiple hand joints may become arthritic. INTRODUCTION
4. The word "arthritis" is a blend of the Greek words "arthron," for joint, and "itis," for inflammation. In other words, arthritis literally means "joint inflammation." Although arthritis is often referred to as one disease, it's not. Arthritis has more than 100 forms and is a common cause of disability.
5. There's no cure for osteoarthritis, but available treatments can relieve pain and helps to remain active. In addition, how well live with osteoarthritis often depends on behaviors and attitude. If osteoarthritis actively managed, pain can be controlled.
6. Osteoarthritis often develops slowly, and some people may not experience any signs or symptoms. Osteoarthritis can cause the following signs and symptoms: Pain in a joint during or after use, or after a period of inactivity Discomfort in a joint before or during a change in the weather Swelling and stiffness in a joint, particularly after using it Bony lumps on the middle or end joints of the fingers or the base of the thumb Loss of joint flexibility SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS
7. The acute pain of early