The effectiveness of computer – based training at Falcon Insurance Company
Q1) Which type of research strategy are employed in this study?
Ans :- The types of research strategies employed in research are :- 1.Practitioner-researcher strategy 2. Single case study 3. Survey 4. Experiment
Q2) What are the benefits of adding longitudinal dimension to this research?
Ans :- The longitudinal dimension increased usability of this research and made the data That was gathered useful to be used in real life, it also showed how employees are Developed under circumstances of the search.
Q3) What are the benefits of using multiple methods of data collection?
Ans :- Using multiple methods of data collection helps in collecting data and it also help in answering questions that were asked at beginning of the research, and another reason is for its ability for widening the angels in which research is conducted.
Q4.) a)what threats to reliability are inherent in the research design?
Ans:- There are four main threats to reliability : participant error, participant bias, observer Error and observer bias.
b)how many these be overcome?
Ans:- Probability of participant error is low in this case as questionnaires were designed And delieverd in such The probability of participant error is low in this case as the questionnaires were designed and delivered in such a way as to provide objective results. Participant bias may be viewed as inherent in the research design as the participants may answer the questions as anticipated. They all were required to finish the CBT by the top management. Therefore, they may feel as if obliged to pretend to do it successfully. However, the researcher found the only possible way out and made these questionnaire results confidential. Moreover, the director may have announced that the objective data is essential to the company and that there would be no retribution for the “wrong” answers. The probability of the researcher error is low as the researcher draws her conclusions and results on the statistical and questionnaire data that can always be checked. 5) a. What threats to validity are inherent in the research design? b. How may these be overcome?
Testing is one of the threats inherent in the research design. The participants knew that their achievements in completing CBT will be measured at the end of the research, so they could apply more efforts than they would otherwise. This threat may be overcome if the researcher does not announce at once that the participants will have to answer questionnaires and go through interviews. Instrumentation is one more threat inherent in research design as it is not quite clear how the results obtained on the basis of these employee groups may be useful for overcoming this threat. The ambiguity about causal direction is present in the research design in small amount as well.
Business Research
Case Study
The effectiveness of computer-based training at
Falcon Insurance Company
Name: Shubham Naik
Roll NO:29
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