Apple was founded in 1976. It is a relatively young company; a company with its own unique philosophy as to the way things ought to be. Apple exerts significant creative influence on the technology industry. Today, the company has three major products: Mac computers, iPod music players, and the iPhone. In addition to these offerings, the company also offers operating systems, developer tools, and database software.
Apple’s recent success in the marketplace is founded on a philosophy that derives its insight at the intersection of technology and consumer values. Apple’s unique, defiant, and sophisticated philosophy is all about revolutionizing life’s experiences; convergence of digital consumer electronics and the personal computer.
Currently, Apple creates immense value for their consumers by offering products that are difficult to imitate. Unfortunately, this will not stop current and possible new companies from copying Apple’s success by developing similar products and launching similar target methodologies. Hence it is important to define and analyze the current position that Apple in terms of its internal and external environment in order to gain a detailed picture of Apple itself, its industry and the strength and weakness associated with them.
2.0 PEST Analysis
In analyzing the macro-environment, it is important to identify the factors that might in turn affect a number of vital variables that are likely to influence the organization’s supply and demand levels and its costs (Kotter and Schlesinger, 1991; Johnson and Scholes, 1993). Macro environment is a far environment which comprise of few forces that raise strategic issue to Apple. These forces are social force, economic force, politic force, and technology force which well known as PEST as shown in diagram 2.1 below. Diagram 2.1 PEST Chart Analysis
(Source: Kotter and Schlesinger, 1991)
2.1 Politic forces
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