B. BLM Permit – Transmittal to BLM from Budy on 6/12. Frank is going to try setting up a meeting with BLM to discuss the plan submitted and discuss any questions, including amount of boardwalk required.
C. BEO Power Line –
1. Property Transfer – CPS discussed a no-cost transfer of the line to UIC, with NSF retaining future usage rights at no-cost. UIC is engaging their real estate group to determine if this is an option for them. NSF is considering the specifics on this transfer. Renee sent Frank the info that was included with the maintenance CR and will notify CPS if any more information is needed. Frank talked with Nuk and discussed not charging …show more content…
Mezzanine – Approval of Supplier using this as “Project of the Month”.
3. Pump and Boiler Skids – Plumbing and HVAC connections to the skids continues in preparation for FP5 commissioning.
4. Mechanical/Electrical Procurements – Final orders on late identified items continuing. The majority will come up on FP4.
5. SMG Networking – Revised scope to replace BH HF antenna work with SMG networking and metering, and provided responses to Jen. Reduced CR will be submitted. CPS had a call with Jason to work out details earlier in the week. CPS continued to work on the SRI CR. The HF antenna work was removed, so the additional SRI staff deployment is not required. The CR will be submitted.
F. Raven
1. Multi-Use Facility – Re-routed through Scotia for air transport. Flight pending.
2. Raven Power System Options – CPS to issue the document to the NSF for …show more content…
Microturbine – Inlet air ductwork completed. Inlet flow and temperature reduction not occurring as anticipated, reducing potential power. Testing and research for potential solutions ongoing. Jeff and Dick will inspect in FP5, meanwhile running with doors open as needed. Issues with fuel meter being addressed with the Supplier. Specifically, the issue is not getting the cold air close enough to the MT air intake. Dick will bring his temperature meters on FP5 for further investigation.
K. BH Column Corrections – BBFM developing concepts for corrections. Jay is working on getting final measurements for BBFM this week.
L. Big House Outfall – Outfall operational, final punch list items pending material delivery. CPS will include a snake camera in a CR. Preliminary report issued on heat trace fire. Investigation continues, CPS electrical engineering being consulted. Jay confirmed that final power line is on a GFCI breaker, but the temp line was not on GFCI. Pat would like to understand why the circuit was on 240V, CPS to investigate.
M. GH/BM Code Assessment –
1. CPS is beginning to procure materials for this work. Final clarifications with Architect reduced drywall quantities