Write-up should be no more than two pages, double-spaced, 12 point font and normal margins. Appendices and exhibits are extra and do not count towards the two page limit.
Your write-up should be divided into three major parts. Each part should be designated by a Roman numeral and labeled as follows: I. Statement of the Problem : What is the central issue(s) in the case? It is best to put this as a question, or main question and sub-question, of what needs to be solved.
How can a global leader manage succesfully a team of people with different cultures, needs and transmit the message in order to have everyone in the same page? II. Analysis: This section is the heart of the write-up. Analysis involves the identification, and analysis, of the issues or forces which must be considered in order to "solve" the problem. This, in turn, requires marshalling evidence and evaluating the significance of this evidence. Additionally, analysis requires determination of the relative importance of each issue or force. Analysis (and recommendations) should draw on course materials and concepts as relevant.
he finds himself facing distributed work, global collaboration, conflict and management issues that are threatening to unravel his team.
Overview of SUN Microsystems Inc.
Sun Microsystems I nc. (SUN) provided companies with complete information technology (IT)solutions that included hardware, software, storage and services. One of Sun ’ s competitive strategies had been to form global teams in order to provide excellent and prompt support to its client at anyhour of the day.
Greg James is the global manager of SUN located in Santa Clara, USA. He leads a global team of 45 people composed of members in France, India, the UAE and the US. James ’ team serves Sun’ s enterprise customers in Asia and Europe.
1. Situational Analysis
James’ s team faced a big challenge where one of their account, HS Holding has a problem of their entire system