Case of Caprico
Question 1: What are the objectives of the “Project Evaluation and Management of Projects” system?
General objectives:
1.Enable better communication between Group and Corporate management with regard to the progress of major projects.
- Enable Group management to more closely monitor the progress of major projects.
- Provide the capability for Group personel to better manage and control major projects.
Specific Objective:
1. Report and Control System:
- For communication of project activity within the Group and between Group and Corporate.
- Initially for high-cost capital projects, then for “critical”, then all others.
2. Procedures Manual:
- Document procedures and policies.
- Preliminary manual available by 30 October 2012 for use in general educational seminars.
3. Computer Support Systems:
- Survey with recommendations to establish the need for and value of computer support.
4. General Educational Package
- Provide basic project planning and control skills to personnel directly involved in project management, to be conducted by an academic authority in field.
- Technical seminars in construction, engineering, contract administration and financial aspects of project management.
Question 2: Was the project successful? Why or why not?
The “Project Evaluation and Management of Projects” system (also called as AGP system) was successful. The project implementation went relatively smoothly, thanks to the ongoing consultation with the engineering managers at every step, and the regular reviews by the corporate steering committee. The roll out of AGP began with three smaller subsidiaries, and six months later the four large subsidiaries adopted it with minor changes. Overall, the corporate reaction has been positive. A number of small projects have gone through the whole sequence, and although one had a serious time overrun, in general, performance was better than on projects managed using the