Krissie Jaye Burnham
Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology
In this paper, I will conceptualize Angelina Jolie (AJ) with psychodynamic theories and cognitive behavioral theories. Psychodynamic theories emphasize unconscious motivations, conflicts, anxiety, defense, and a concern with roots in childhood. Psychodynamics emphasizes the vicious cycles that are set in motion by AJ’s early fixations and relationships and the way in which her interpersonal patterns formed along the way and continue to persist. I have also chosen cognitive behavioral theory because at the same time, we can’t be sure that an exact experience caused an exact maladaptation. Cognitive behavioral therapy is about modifying her maladaptive thinking, which will lead to modification in behavior. It is also the treatment of choice for patients with Borderline Personality Disorder, which may be an appropriate diagnosis for AJ.
Background Information
Angelina Jolie (AJ) is a 37-year-old woman, who identifies as bisexual. She is the daughter of two prominent actors. She has an older brother who is also an actor. Her parents divorced when she was one year old, and she lived with her mother and brother. AJ’s mother is reported to have experienced significant depression after the divorce. She was unable to care for AJ and told others that AJ was a reminder of her philandering ex-husband. Other important aspects of AJ’s early development include the presence of a number of different caretakers; these caretakers were untrained and often were present only intermittently, giving AJ little to no opportunity for healthy attachment figures. AJ does not remember her mother reading to her, engaging in play, or even providing her with toys.
AJ took acting classes from age six to fourteen. She said that unlike most girls, she had an infatuation with blood and vampires so she dropped the acting classes and aspired to be a funeral director instead.
References: Baker, H. S., M.D., & Baker, M. N., Ph.D. (1987). Heinz Kohut 's Self Psychology: An Overview Retrieved October 31, 2012, from Cherry, K Kohut’s Self Psychology Model. Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience. Retrieved October 31, 2012, from’s-self-psychology-model/ Linehan, M Prochaska, J.O. & Norcross, J.C. (2010). Systems of psychotherapy: A transtheoretical analysis (7th ed.), Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole. Rajang, D. (2010, June 30). Angelina Jolie Used To Cut Herself. - Celebrity Gossip, News & Photos, Movie Reviews, Competitions