Management Writing and Reporting
August 18, 2013
Case Odwalla, Inc (A)
Discussion Question
1. What are the key communication issues for Odwalla?
The key communication issues for Odwalla are how it will communicate to its consumers and clients the main point of they still a safe and quality Company of Fresh and Natural juice. The main issue that the company is about retaining its principal clients and consumers. For several years Odwalla has been a solid and sustainable company. The way that this Company must influence is fundamental to keep up with business. I consider that an appropriate way to encourage this value and principals is expresses its support to the people affected and to promote its history as a Company by different Medias such as New Papers, Magazines, Television, Radio, Facebook, Twitter, and so on. Expressing by any media possible its concern about the infection of the bacteria Escherchia Coli and promoting its strong reputation and security management as a Company that they have been built for consecutive years.
2. How can the communication strategy focus on retaining consumer confidence?
The communication strategy focus on retaining consumer confidence is get involve with all the communications Medias and contact the people how have been affected with the proposed to give to them all support necessary and elaborated a campaign against the bacteria Escherchia Coli. With the purpose to indicate people how to combat these injurious bacteria.
In addition Odwalla should elaborate at the same time other Informative campaign through which will indicate the process of production of its juice. The process consists in selecting the finest fresh fruit, washed twice each fruit and then, refrigerated the squeezing fruit to slow the growth of microorganisms; this process is doing daily.
Another important and key strategy is to send experts and special equipment to the hospitals where the contagious people for