Editor: Professor Zhu Mingxia
University international Business and Economics
Introduction to China In context of “Doing Business in China
– A Global Perspective”
CASE 1: Starbucks management strategies in China
CASE 2: The expansion of McDonald’s in China
CASE 3: A Case Study of KFC and other Fast food Chains
CASE 4: Successful story of IKEAN in China
CASE 5: General Motors in China
CASE 6: L'Oréal Group
CASE 7: Market entry for David Lloyd in China
CASE 8: The water treatment market in China
CASE 9: Danone Group
CASE 10: A Success Story in Retailing: Carrefour
CASE 11: The Expansion of Snow Beer in China
Introduction to China In context of “Doing Business in China – A Global Perspective”
China is set to emerge as the world’s greatest economy and superpower in the near future. As global organisations rush to expand operations in the largest consumer base in the world, the global economy as a whole is accelerating as rapid, substantial changes in technology unfold. China is said to be the manufacturing capital of the world, and although true, organisations are increasingly looking to China for more than purely cost competitiveness.
Globalisation & ‘The Flat World’
“A set of processes leading to the integration of economic, cultural, political, and social systems across geographical boundaries”
Globalisation is the single, most influential driver of change in the 21st century. Management out of necessity are forced to align their business operations with the emerging global economy in order to merely survive in today’s environment. The global market place is intrinsically linked to technology as a means to close the gap of time, culture and geography. A few major recent historic converging events are regarded as core drivers of globalisation as we know today and are investigated below.
Although the internet was around for some time, Netscape Navigator,