The present study is related to importance of FOREIGN DIRECT INVESMENT that highlights the flow of foreign capital into agricultural sector, the difference between direct investment and portfolio investment, in agriculture is a bane or boon and can this be the problem regarding to middleman corruption in agribusiness sector and the agricultural chain.
As agriculture is predominant in Indian economy & it contributes a larger share to the growth of national income. Agricultural growth is the backbone of Indian economy. India is the second highest fruits and vegetable producer in the world. India is also one of the largest food producers in the world. The study emphasizes the importance of setting up of agro export zones by investment of foreign investors. When countries are striving towards globalization, foreign investment plays a vital role in promoting economic growth and economic development. The flow of foreign investment gained prominence after the announcement of industrial policy of 1991, India opened the gates for the flow of foreign capital into the economy.
FDI has been shown to play an important role in promoting economic growth, raising a country's technological level, and creating new employment in developing countries It has also been shown that FDI works as a means of integrating developing countries into the global market place and increasing the capital available for investment, thus leading to increased economic growth needed to reduce poverty and raise living standards.
In India, agriculture is an important sector of the Indian economy and accounts for almost 19% of Indian gross domestic products (GDP). Agriculture is the main stay of the Indian economy as it forms the backbone of rural India which inhabitants more than 70% of total Indian population. The Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Rural Infrastructure, and the Planning Commission of India are the main governing bodies that define the