Propaedeutics of Internal Medicine, for third year medical students
Cover page:
National O. Bohomolets Medical University
Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Medicine № 2
Head of Department - Prof. Т.D. Nykula
Teacher – Associate Prof. V.А. Khomazjuk
Case report
Patient (Surname, First and Middle Names)
Student - ________________________ , group №___ , third year, medical faculty № 1.
Date of examination - “___”_______________ 200__
I. Interviewing
1. Identifying Information: - Surname, First and Middle Names - Age, Date of Birth (dd-mmm-yyyy) - Nationality - Sex, Marital Status - Education, Professional Experience - Name of Present Employer or School, Occupation (if retired or invalid, ask when was registered as disable person and for what reason – old-age, disease, etc.) - Home Address - Date of admission to _______________ Department of Kyiv Hospital №3
2. Chief Complaints (or the Reason for Seeking Care).
3. History of Present Illness (Anamnesis morbi):
- time of onset (when did the patient feel ill for the first time) - acute or gradual onset, initial symptoms, possible causes of the disease (psychological stress, physical or mental overstrain, infection, cold, etc.) - course of the disease from the very beginning till present time (describe events in chronologic order, point out exacerbations and remissions, diagnostic results, treatment and its efficiency, and at last immediate reason that prompted the seeking of attention, particularly if the problem has been long-standing).
4. Review of Systems (Anamnesis communis).
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