1.) Should Low – Voltage develop a system to connect with TX Industries Purchasing System? Why or why not?
Yes, based on the situation, a new system is in need by the Low Voltage firm because even if the company has a computerized accounting system, that system is not capable of handling Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).
2.) What terms or concepts described the proposed computer – to – computer relationship between Low Voltage and TX Industries?
The transaction between Low Voltage and TX Industries as business – to – business sector in Ecommerce , used of the data sharing management called EDI , it enables computer – to – computer data transfer , usually used by the firms to plan production, adjust inventory levels or stock up on raw materials using data from another companies information system. This best describes the relationship between Low Voltage and TX Industries.
3.) Is Low Voltages’ proposed new system a Transaction Processing System? Why or why not?
Yes, it is a Transaction Processing System because transaction’s involves purchasing.
4.) Before Low Voltage makes a final decision, should the company consider an ERP system? Why or why not?
Yes, because we all know that ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) provides cost effective support for users and managers throughout the company, that’s why Low Voltage might need to consider these.
Group Work: Group 7
4.) Rainbow’s End Interview
1.) What are the main differences between structured, object – oriented, and agile methods?
Structured analysis uses the traditional method and uses a series of phases called the SDLC, O – O analysis combines data and the processes that act on the data into thing called objects, while agile method are the newest development that uses prototypes and constantly adjusting them to user requirements.
2.) What is a CASE tool and what does it do?