Case studies: SAS Airline & Ryanair
Master Thesis in Entrepreneurship and Dynamic Business Contexts
Spring 2007
Supervisor: Håkan Bohman
Entrepreneurship Master Program
Authors: Gilles Helterlin and Nuno Ramalho
We would like to express our gratitude to all who have contributed to the realization of this
Master Thesis. A warm thank to our supervisor, Håkan Bohman from USBE (Umeå School of
Business), for his guidance, his precious help and his advises during the last months.
To Mr. Lundvall, from LFV (Luftfartsverket), Mr. Valinger from Scandinavian Airline and
Mr. Wilsberg from SAS Braathens, Jessica Eriksson and Thomas Pettersson from USBE, thank you for your availability, willingness in answering our questions and for their so precious collaboration with interviews, comments and suggestions.
Thank you also Sweden for the wonderful moments we have spent here. We will never forget your nature (your elks), your cold winter (-30°C), your long nights in winter and your short nights in late spring!! It has been a great experience and adventure up there in Northern Sweden!!
We will miss you…
Finally we would like to thank particularly the Studentexpedition for its kindness, without forgetting our family and friends (from Sweden, France, Portugal and Greece) for their everlasting daily support, especially during hard moments.
Many thanks to all of you!
Umeå, 24 June 2007
The dynamics of business contexts influence the way firms act in their industry. These changes can have effects in several areas within a company. Entrepreneurship and Innovation are two areas that are affected when a change in firm’s environment occurs, like Schumpeter, Shane and Drucker point. Changes in the deregulatory framework are a specific
Bibliography: Chicago Convention Agreement 1944 IATA Economics Briefing Nº7 (April 2007) - Airline Liberalization